Beginners wheel throwing and glazing

Course of six weekly sessions | two hours per session.

The six week beginners course is structured to give you the foundational skills of ceramic wheel throwing. Offering a rich starting point from which to begin enjoyment of this exciting and relaxing ceramics practice. The specific direction being determined by your own path of curiosity.

Participants will first develop the fundamental wheel throwing skill of creating the cylinder form. By centring, opening out and lifting the walls of the pot. From where a

wide array of other forms can be reached.  Leading onwards we think about surface approaches through coloured slips and glazes. As the ceramic surface can be approached in myriad ways, with marks added or removed, a surface can be discovered through feel and a natural progression of aesthetic decisions. This may lead to surfaces giving way to expression, illustration or may be clearly minimal. 

With group sizes limited to a maximum of three participants there is plenty of available opportunity for specific support in making. 

£230 per person. Course fee includes all materials and completion of kiln firings.

Intermediate wheel throwing and glazing

Course of six weekly sessions | two hours per session.

This course focusses on a personal creative approach to design, advancing your skills in ceramic practice. Participants move towards more ambitious wheel thrown forms. Taking the cylinder and finding ways to shape and reach new vessel types.

With new skills in ceramic practice the possibility of taking direct inspiration from other ceramicists opens up. The various stages of drying in clay offer great opportunities to further transform your pieces during this course including adding handles, spouts and creating surface texture. Learning from past experiences to advance decoration further with coloured slips, glazes, and surface design.

With limited group sizes of a maximum of three participants there is plenty of space 

The culmination of the course will see participants take away all ceramic pieces they have completed during the course.

With group sizes limited to a maximum of three participants there is plenty of available opportunity for one-to-one tuition and conversation. 

£230 per person. Course fee includes all materials and completion of kiln firings.